Each year, Latin's fourth grade students engage in the “I Am” Poetry Assembly. This special tradition is the culmination of weeks of hard work that is centered around the creation of thoughtful, introspective and reflective poems.
As part of this project, students select adjectives, adverbs and different aspects of their identities and communities to describe themselves and write about their worries, fears, mottos and/or dreams. They also have the chance to perform/present their work, with each student selecting one of their three stanzas to read in front of their peers, faculty, staff and parents/guardians at a grade-level assembly in late October.
During this year’s assembly, students showcased their original artwork and shared phrases such as: “I am a gymnast and a pet lover;” “I see the calming swing of trees as the wind swarms me and carries me away;” “I say the power of kindness can fix this world;” “I cry when people think they are not good or not smart enough because everybody is different and smart in their own way;” and “I am determined and talented.”
This project and assembly give our Romans the opportunity to show their creativity and share a piece of themselves with their friends and families.
- Academics
- Arts
- lower school