A coeducational day school serving students JK-12

College Recruiting

The College-Bound Athlete

There is no question that the pursuit of sports, the desire to “best” oneself physically and participate in healthy competition, has countless benefits for school-aged children. It helps provide structure in the day-to-day life of high school students and at the very least enhances peer relationships with others who share common interests. The benefits can be endless and the personal reward multifold. However, pursuing athletic interests and playing varsity level sport in college can be a complicated journey fraught with even more uncertainty than the college admission process. At the most minimal, the desire to play a sport in college is bound to complicate a student’s process.

Below are some tips and insights to help students and parents navigate the path to college athletics.

College Athletics Preparation: Year-by-Year Guide

Recruiting Events for Students and Families

College Counseling + Athletics Conversation: College Recruitment
Thursday, March 6 
5:30-6:30 p.m., Learning Commons

This event is for current upper school families (parents/guardians and students). 

Alumni-Student Athlete Recruiting Panel
Thursday, January 9 
4 p.m., Learning Commons

This event is for current upper school students. 

Learn more about the 2025 event.

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Alumni College Athletes