Invest in our leadership, faculty and staff as Latin’s most important assets in the development of our students.
Implementation Priorities
- Reorganize the administrative structure and roles to strengthen school wide leadership.
- Model powerful learning, foster agility and increase collaboration through project-based teams.
- Develop a strategy for recruitment, development and retention of a more diverse pool of community members in support of a more inclusive, equitable and healthy culture for learning at Latin JK–12.
- Ensure that compensation, work culture and professional learning resources and opportunities attract and retain the administration, faculty and staff we value at Latin.
- Continuously evolve governance to support mission and vision.
Reorganize the administrative structure and roles to strengthen school wide leadership.
Model powerful learning, foster agility and increase collaboration through project-based teams.
Develop a strategy for recruitment, development and retention of a more diverse pool of community members in support of a more inclusive, equitable and healthy culture for learning at Latin JK–12.
Ensure that compensation, work culture and professional learning resources and opportunities attract and retain the administration, faculty and staff we value at Latin.
Continuously evolve governance to support mission and vision.
Progress Made Toward Goals Based on Senior Administration Team Goals and Metrics